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Get my FREE Transformational Workshop & Workbook:
"How to Turn Your Inner Critic into Your Greatest Supporter"!

No BS-advice from a Licensed Psychologist 

(PS. You also get access to my weekly newsletter, and an exclusive transformational bonus!)

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What could you do if your mind was your greatest supporter?

I never knew life could feel this good!

My constant anxiety and self-sabotage were ruining my life when I was lucky enough to meet Sara.

The things she taught me were so simple yet extremely effective!


Sara helped me completely shift how I see my feelings.


I haven’t had any more panic attacks, since I learned how to stop fighting my fears, and instead to take care of them with kindness.

I now feel like a real adult, who can take care of herself!


A hundred thousand thank yous Sara!


“Orla”, 27 y.o., Helsinki, Finland.
(Past therapy client)

I always thought I wasn't enough...


I spent so many years putting up with too much shitty behaviour from my (now) ex.


When I met you, my stress-levels were at an all-time high, and I was feeling so hopeless.


Your work is AMAZING!!!

It helped so much that you were so patient and warm. You helped me access my own wisdom (that I didn’t even know I had!)


I can say that without the tools I got from you, I would still be stuck as that scared and hurt person.


I still have a long way to go, but my life is infinitely better now



“Helena”, 32 y.o., Barcelona, Spain.
(Past therapy client)

My wife says to thank you from her too!


I’ve learned so much, and my family life is so much more pleasant since we started working together.


My wife has commented on how much calmer I am, and at work, I’ve been able to lead my team with a lot more positive energy.


I’m feeling way more balanced, and I’m getting better results at work, while also being more present at home.


Thank you for everything you’ve taught me Sara, it’s had a deeply positive impact on me and my family!



“John”, 45 y.o., Barcelona, Spain.
(Past therapy client)

Hi there, magnificent creature, I’m Sara!

Licensed Psychologist and Climate Change Educator, writer, podcaster & certified dog-petter.

I know you have incredible potential for feeling great and doing so much good, and it’s just waiting for you to unleash it.
You know that this isn’t all that you have the potential to be

You dream of doing amazing things, of creating powerful positive change. Both in your own life and in the world

And yet, it’s been a struggle. Life has felt harder than you hoped for. You move forward, but you feel like you could be doing a lot more. 

Even when things are good, you feel worse than you think you have the right to. And all the amazing things you'll do have been stuck in “tomorrow”-mode for way too long.

I’m here to help. I can teach you everything I know about how to take loving charge of your thoughts and emotions, so you can expand and grow without hindrances.

Just as you were meant to. I would absolutely love to be your friendly guide!

I want to show you the straightforward and scientific methods I've used to create my own personal paradise in my mind, and how that's unleashed my capacity to get what matters done.

Hi there image 19jan24