Deep Exploration Sessions


Hi, I'm Sara, a Licensed Psychologist & Climate Change Leadership Educator.

Are you looking for personalised support? Here you'll find all the information about the individual sessions I currently offer. 

Each session is tailored around your needs in the moment, and can be goal-oriented or exploratory.

In the session, you'll get to benefit from a combination of therapeutic methods, such as Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), mindfulness and embodiment practices.

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Welcome to the Deep Exploration Sessions!

The skills I learned have made me a healthier and better person

"I started working with Sara at a tough phase of my life.

Not only did she help me get through it but also worked with me and taught me how to handle emotions, anger, sadness, disappointment and much more. Skills that until this day make me a healthier and better person.

The most notable thing was how quickly Sara understood the way I think and operate with all the special small things which was a crucial part for me that was not there with other therapists I tried.

Sara helped me a lot in navigating my personal and professional life. My confidence got a huge boost once I started seeing results in my day-to-day life.

My only wish is that I met her sooner. Would have saved me a lot of trouble and painful lessons.

Way above your average therapist and coach!"

"Yiorgos", Tech & Entrepreneurship, Limassol

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I gained a lot of clarity and insightful perspectives from every session

"I can highlight that since I started my process accompanied by Sara I have become more aware of naming my emotions and expressing verbally how I feel and what I sense from my relationship with others from an open, curious, and warm place.

I also appreciate the connection that the sessions have with meditating and practicing mindfulness.

It has been a very meaningful and empowering experience to work with Sara <3 

I gained a lot of clarity and insightful perspectives from every session. 

Therapy is a rewarding investment and gift for ourselves!

Give it a try!"

"Maria", Musician, Helsinki


Want to receive my FREE Transformational Workshop on How to Turn your Inner Critic into your Greatest Supporter?

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Testimonial for How to Turn Your Inner Critic into Your Greatest Supporter

What would you do if difficult feelings were no longer a problem for you?

When you learn to handle your mind and emotions like a pro, you become free to create the life of your dreams.

Which dreams are waiting for you to be ready
to turn them into reality?


Create your inner paradise

These sessions are for you if you're facing inner struggles, confusion about your life, or just know that your life could become vastly better with the right perspective shift.

My goal is to help you turn your life into your own personal paradise. From there, you can access your deepest inspiration and inventiveness to bring your gifts to the people around you, and the world at large.

At the moment, there's a limited amount of individual deep exploration sessions available each month, with a drop-in schedule. 

Education, Experience & Background

Hi there, I'm a Psychologist Licensed in Finland, and a Climate Change Leadership Educator.

I've had the pleasure and privilege of working with well over 1000 private clients and students in my career so far.

I have the following university degrees:
- Bachelor of Global Development Studies (University of Helsinki),
- Bachelor of Psychology (Uppsala University), &
- Master of Psychology (Åbo Akademi University). 

I've had the pleasure of working at a range of nordic universities, including:
- Uppsala University
- Åbo Akademi University
- The University of Helsinki
- Hanken School of Economics
- Novia University of Applied Sciences
- The University of the Arts Helsinki,
as an educator and a Study Psychologist.

In addition to my formal education, I'm deeply passionate about continually learning how to best serve the people I work with, which has led to an indecent amount of continuous education.

I've also been a passionate meditator for almost two decades, and am generally a huge nerd when it comes to learning more about the workings of my own mind and that of others.


Looking for more information?

How much does it cost?

The sessions cost 100€, and are 50 mins long.

How do I know if this is a good fit for me?

You can sign up for a free 30 min welcome call! That way we can get to know each other, you'll get a feel for my vibe. At the end of this short call I can also tell you if my area of expertise fits with what you're wanting to get help with or if I can recommend another practitioner instead. 

How and where are the sessions held?

The sessions are held on Zoom (you'll automatically get a link when you book a session), so I recommend organising a private space where you have a great internet connection, won't be disturbed, and can relax before and after the session.

Is this the same as therapy?

These deep exploration sessions are indeed therapeutic, but depending on your situation, we can also have a more coaching-oriented approach with specific goals.

(For example, if there's a specific issue in your life that's blocking you from progressing with what matters.)

The main difference from traditional therapy work is that the sessions are offered through a drop-in booking system, instead of a fixed schedule of weekly sessions.

Who is this for / not for?

Because of the drop-in nature of these deep exploration sessions, these sessions are best suited to you if you're in a life situation where you could benefit from occasional support and getting a fresh perspective. 

These sessions are optimal for you if you're looking for personalised advice, a space to reflect on important life decisions, or help with processing challenging life events. 

If you're suffering from severe depression, or any other severely debilitating psychological problems, I recommend looking for a skilled therapist who can offer you regular support through weekly sessions. My warm recommendation is searching for Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapists in your area. You can for example search for IFS therapist directories, or simply use google maps.